What is Payroll Turkey ?
More and more companies wish to expand their activities abroad. In this case, Payroll in Turkey represents an ideal lower cost option. What is it about ? Read on to find answers.

Principles of Payroll in Turkey
Payroll in Turkey is a form of employment emerged in the 1980s. It is a tripartite relationship between a client company, a consultant and a payroll company. The principle is simple. If a company located in France needs one or more collaborators based in Turkey. Then, it contacts a Payroll company in Turkey which will take care of finding the profiles corresponding to its expectations. In a way, it plays the role of intermediary between the company in need and the employee.
In its configuration, payroll involves signature of two contracts. One between payroll company in Turkey and client company. And the other between employee and umbrella company.
It is the latter who is responsible for :
- management of administrative formalities to be completed abroad,
- collection of fees
- and
- payment of a salary to the professional charged after deduction of a commission and social charges…
Concept more and more in vogue, its advantages are numerous.
<h2>Advantages of Payroll in Turkey </h2>
If the Payroll in Turkey is very often presented as beneficial for any professional who wishes to practice independently. This does not mean that it does not also benefit the client company. By using this solution you will benefit from many advantages including:
- The lack of steps to set-up a subsidiary: creating a subsidiary abroad can quickly be tedious as explained on TBCCI (Turkish British Chamber of Commerce and Industry). By using a payroll company, you don’t need to set-up one to expand your activities elsewhere;
- No administrative and accounting management: it is up to the payroll company and not to the client company to manage all the administrative and accounting tasks. Missions relating to the work of the employee. You will just benefit from the latter’s skills by paying the fees fixed on a fixed date;
- Quality services: by going through a professional payroll company in Turkey, you are sure to have one or more qualified and competent employees. The umbrella company is responsible for offering professionals who will meet the needs of the client company;
- Minimized expenses: payroll is also an economic solution. It provides representation in Turkey. Then, without having to incur expenses relating in particular to the creation of capital, companies and rental of premises.
Payroll in Turkey is an excellent way to mobilize experts by relying on the network and the strength of a company specializing in this field. To go further on the subject, go to this site.